Production Resources
Below are links to numerous web resources for blackberry and raspberry growers. Many of these are relevant for both commercial producers and home gardeners. These sites include additional internal links and resources. University extension area or geographic region is generally indicated below, but information is often applicable to a wider area.
Please note:
- Products recommended for pest/disease control in one state may or may not be registered for your own state. Always follow the product label.
- Consult the most current publications for control options and recommendations.
- Recommendations for one region may not be appropriate for another.
Please contact NARBA if you would like to suggest additional or updated resources to include or if the links given have failed. Use the shortcut guide below to jump down to the section of interest.

Varieties / Cultivars
- 2022-2023 Caneberry Nursery List – Current list of member nurseries and what they offer, published each fall. Updated September, 2023.
- Nursery Guide for Berry Crops (Cornell)
- Information about Arkansas Blackberry Varieties (U of Arkansas)
- Variety Recommendations for the Southeast (NCSU)
- What’s New in Caneberries – A Review of Recent Releases (2022)

Production guides
- Brambles – Production, Management and Marketing (Ohio State)
- Southeast Regional Caneberry Production Guide (North Carolina State University/Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium)
- New England Small Fruit Management Guide (University of Massachusetts)
- Sustainable Blackberry & Raspberry Production Workbook (University of Arkansas)
- Commercial Red Raspberry Production in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon State University)
- British Columbia Berry Production Guides (Government of British Columbia, Canada)

Production Practices
- Nutrient Status and Sufficiency Levels for Blackberries (North Carolina State University)
- Berry Soil and Nutrient Management: A guide for educators and growers (Cornell University)
- Caneberry Irrigation (Utah State University)
- Bramble Trellis Options and Economics, Bramble Trellis Costs (North Carolina State University)
- Pruning and Training Caneberries (North Carolina State University)
- Rotating Cross-Arm (RCA) Trellis in Blackberry Systems (University of Arkansas)

high tunnel / greenhouse production
- Organic Raspberry Production in Three-Season High Tunnels (Michigan State University)
- High Tunnel Production Guide for Raspberries & Blackberries (Cornell University, Multi-State Guide)
- Guidelines for Greenhouse Raspberry Production (University of Massachusetts)
- Cornell Fruit Resources: Berry Production, Tunnel Production (Cornell University)

- Raspberry Diagnostic Tool (Cornell University)
- Blackberry Diagnostic Tool (North Carolina State University)

Pest, Disease, and Weed Management & Control
- Southeast Region Caneberry Integrated Management Guide (Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium)
- New England Small Fruit Pest Management Guide (Massachusetts)
- Pacific Northwest Cane Fruit Pest Management Handbook
Weed Management Handbook (Pacific Northwest) - Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide 2019-2020 (order as a book or download)
- Virginia Pest Management Guide (Virginia Tech)
- Bird Damage Prevention for Northern New England Fruit Growers (New Hampshire)
- Integrated Pest Management for Caneberries (California)
- Cane Blight (Ohio State University)
- Gray Mold (Botrytis Fruit Rot) (Michigan State University)
- Gray Mold (Botrytis Fruit Rot) (Ohio State University)
- Fruit Rot and Cane Botrytis (Oregon State University)
- Is It Orange Rust or Blackberry Leaf Rust? (NARBA)
- Cane & Leaf Rust (University of California)
- Orange Rust of Brambles (Ohio State University)
- Phytophthora Root Rot (Ohio State University)
- Phytophthora Root Rot (University of California)
- Raspberry Leaf Spot (University of California, Davis)
- Raspberry Late Leaf Rust (University of Minnesota)
- Spur Blight (Red Raspberries) (Ohio State University)
- Verticillium Wilt (Ohio State University)
- Caneberry viruses (Oregon State University)
- Raspberry Cane Borer (Michigan State University)
- Sustainable Spotted Wing Drosophila Management (national project)
- Spotted Wing Drosophila (Cornell University)
- Spotted Wing Drosophila (Michigan State)
- Spotted Wing Drosophila (University of California)
- Spotted Wing Drosophila IPM in Raspberries and Blackberries (Northeast IPM Center; publication to download)
- Good Bugs vs Bad: Using Biological Controls in SWD Management (webinar)
- Organic SWD Management (YouTube)
- Organic – Making SWD Traps, Checking for SWD in fruit (videos)

state specific information
- Cornell Berry Resources
- North Carolina Extension Blackberry & Raspberry Portal
- Ohio State University Raspberry Information
- Ohio State University Blackberry Information
- Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium
- Northwest Berry Foundation
- Blackberry Production in New Mexico
- Blackberry Management in Utah
- Virginia Small Fruits

Market Pricing
- 2020 NARBA Caneberry Pricing and Marketing Survey Report
- 2018 NARBA Caneberry Pricing Survey Report
- USDA-AMS Specialty Crop Market News
- Blackberry & Raspberry Budgets and Pricing (North Carolina State University)
- Kentucky Blackberry Cost and Return Estimates (2017)
- Sample Costs to Establish & Produce Fresh Market Blackberries, Primocane Bearing (2018, California)
- Sample Sample Costs to Produce and Harvest Fresh Market Raspberries, Primocane Bearing (2017, California)

Caneberry specific blogs
- Small Fruit Update (Northwest Berry Foundation)
- Team Rubus blog (North Carolina)
- Strawberries and Caneberries blog (University of California)

Videos & Webinars
- Good Bugs vs Bad: Using Biological Controls in SWD Management (webinar)
- Organic – Making SWD Traps, Checking for SWD in fruit (videos)
- Rotating Cross-Arm Trellis System Webinar – University of Arkansas – (Recording only available to current NARBA members)